2º Seminário Internacional Museografia e Arquitetura de Museus

Identidades e Comunicação

Fluidez, liquidez, imersão e interatividade na arquitetura museográfica contemporânea

Marcos Solon Kretli da Silva
Arquiteto (UFES),
Mestre e doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica (PUC SP),
Pós-doutorando na ECA USP.


This article is the result of a few considerations about museum architecture and other exposition spaces, which came about as the result of the analysis of representative projects created by contemporaneous architects such as Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Lars Spuybroek and Kas Oosterhuis. These architects were known by specialized critics for their relevant theoretic-conceptual explorations, by the introduction of advanced project procedures and, above all, by the present-day characteristic of their proposals which, with their different aspects, provide engaging reference elements which allow us to ponder the questions pervading this contemporaneous topic, such as fluidity, liquidity, immersion, and interactivity. The purpose is to investigate the ways they were developed, to evaluate their references, seeking to understand how these and other information have guided and encouraged the planning of spaces of these important cultural institutions, suggesting some changes and innovations that need to be evaluated and discussed.

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